€450,000 cash windfall will be of huge benefit to clubs and community groups
By Maurice Garvey
BALLYFERMOT is set for a €450,000 windfall thanks to a discretionary Dublin City Council fund which will benefit groups, clubs and amenities in the area.
The discretionary fund arises from the council budget and is split between the administrative areas with local elected members in charge of the distribution.
Sinn Féin councillor Daithí Doolan says members have agreed on a range of measures for the Ballyfermot area, including an €80,000 boost for Cherry Orchard Boxing Club and €50,000 to refurbish Convent Lawns Community Centre.
“It is an unprecedented move, the first time this has happened,” said Cllr Doolan.
“A sum of €900,000 was given to each council area, with Ballyfermot-Drimnagh and Kimmage-Crumlin sharing that. Works will have to start immediately as the money has to be spent this year.”
The €80,000 fund for Cherry Orchard Boxing Club will be matched by DCC and go towards building an extension at the Orchard Centre.
Cherry Orchard Boxing Club Chair Pat Cullen said: “It’s lethal that DCC are on board. They have been there from the start and are very good in helping us.
“The club is open over three years, has over 100 members, and does a lot of work with schools. The fund will be massive, as it means we can open at the weekend and evenings and are not reliant on staff at the centre to let us in. At the moment we have to dismantle the ring after each training session.”
The Community Centre in Convent Lawns is due a €50,000 boost to bring the building up to spec, so that an Irish culture centre and Naíonra can use the centre.
This project has been costed and a plan is already in place.
A €10,000 fund has been allocated to work on the design of a temporary bike track in Cherry Orchard – which may be utilised by quad bikes/scramblers.
Liffey Gaels GAA are in line for a €30,000 refurbishment to upgrade toilets, changing facilities, insulation, windows and radiators at their 1980s premises.
The Ballyfermot Sports Complex will receive €25,000 to drive additional business.
Cherry Orchard Equine Centre horse welfare project will get a €17,000 fund to provide a welfare programme to horse owners.
Up to €35,000 will go towards eagerly awaited CCTV cameras for Cherry Orchard, whilst Cherry Orchard playground and pitch will be resurfaced to the tune of €30,000.
Public Domain works of €50,000 have also been allocated to maintain footpaths and clean litter.