Students participate in Cycle against Suicide

Students participate in Cycle against Suicide

By Maurice Garvey

STUDENTS at St Dominic’s College in Ballyfermot are participating in Cycle Against Suicide’s #SchoolsGoOrange mental health initiative.

Cheryl Keeler, Career Guidance, St Dominic’s College, said the initiative creates a “caring, respectful and safe learning environment that supports mental health in schools.”

St Dominics

Students from St Dominic's College will participate in the Cycle Against Suicide.

“Building hope and resilience and fostering a sense of belonging amongst the young people in our school. It is so important for all schools to take a proactive approach in this area as research highlights that one in three young people in Ireland will experience some form of mental health issue in any given year. We have been an ambassador school for the past five years in a row and this year student Chloe Kearney holds the prestigious role of Student Leader for the organisation. The efforts and culture of our school to create a safe and caring environment is core to all we do here.”

Cycle Against Suicide’s main awareness campaign takes place from April 27 to May 6.

For information on supports for mental health issues, visit

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