Census 2016: Almost 7,000 homeless across the country

Census 2016: Almost 7,000 homeless across the country

The latest release from the Census in 2016 shows that there were almost 7,000 people either sleeping rough or staying in accommodation designated for the homeless on the night the survey was taken in April 2016.

The figures released today show that there were 6,906 recorded as being homeless – with just over 5,000 of these being located in Dublin.

Census 2016 Profile 5 Infographic resized

Of the 5,212 homeless persons aged 15 and over, 2,915 (56%) were in the labour force, of whom 899 (31%) were employed.

A further 2,016 (69%) were either unemployed/looking for a first job.

There were 607 persons who were unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability, representing 12% of the total, compared with 4.2% of the general population.

Students accounted for 429 persons (8%), while 188 persons stated that they were retired.

Speaking about the latest Census 2016 release, Senior Statistician Deirdre Cullen said: “This report will help to further improve our understanding of this complex issue, by providing important new information on the social and economic circumstances of homeless persons.

“The collection of data in this important area could not have been achieved without the input and assistance of a broad range of both government and non-government stakeholders, and the CSO would like to thank all concerned for their cooperation in this.”

In relation to the level of education these people have, 1,606 homeless persons (38%) did not have an educational qualification above lower secondary level compared with 27% of the general population.

Meanwhile, there were 955 people who indicated that they were educated to at least upper secondary level and 422 were educated to third level.

There were 2,887 persons (just under 42%) in Private Emergency Accommodation, while 2,681 were in Supported Temporary Accommodation.

A further 1,144 persons were in Temporary Emergency Accommodation. In addition, 123 people were sleeping rough on Census Night. Of these, 102 were in Dublin.

Males accounted for 104 (85%) of those sleeping rough.

Homeless people were identified based on where they were on Census Night rather than by self-identification.

This approach was agreed in advance by the major stakeholders involved in providing services to the homeless. A count of rough sleepers, led by participating local authorities, also took place nationally on Census Night.


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