Echo Year in Review: March 2023
Richard Baneham celebrates Oscar win with parents Michael and Noeleen

Echo Year in Review: March 2023

TALLAGHT man Richard Baneham won the Oscar for Best Visual Effects at the 95th Academy Awards in Los Angeles for his work on Avatar: The Way of Water. 

“Fantastic win for Ballyfermot, Tallaght, Dublin, and Ireland, and the Baneham family,” Richard’s father Michael tells The Echo after the awards.

In Clondalkin in March, residents criticised the felling of trees in Corkagh Park. 

They expressed scepticism at the decision to fell trees, citing plans by the council for a coffee shop at the location.

The grandfather of three children killed during a violent domestic incident at a house in Tallaght described being asked to identify the bodies of his three grandchildren.

Lisa Cash (18) and her twin brother and sister, Christy and Chelsea Cawley (8) died after they were fatally wounded during the incident at their family home in Rossfield Avenue in the Brookfield area of Tallaght on September 4, 2022.

Christy and Chelsea Cawley (8) died after they were fatally wounded during the incident

Martin McDonagh told a preliminary hearing of an inquest into the deaths of the three victims how he identified their bodies in the Resus Room at Children’s Health Ireland in Crumlin at 3.35am shortly after the fatal incident

The late Tom Moran with his wife Sheila

Hotelier Tom Moran, synonymous with the landmark Red Cow Moran Hotel, passed away following an illness.

Parish Priest Brian Starken,

Two priests were lucky to be alive after a terrifying robbery during which one priest was strangled and another priest who came to his aid suffered a fractured hip. Gardai arrested a male after the vicious assault on parish priest Brian Starken, at the Church of Transfiguration in Bawnogue, Clondalkin.

To read the full Year in Review for March 2023 pick up The Echo on Thursday, January 4, or Subscribe Online.

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