How is it how it is? – The songs of Kevin Nolan

How is it how it is? – The songs of Kevin Nolan

By Hayden Moore

For Kevin Nolan, the last few years have been busy as he has released a number of albums, featured in an award winning short film ‘HUM’, and is now releasing a sister album to his previous release ‘Absent at the Moment When He Took up the Most Space’ entitled ‘How is it how it is? – The Songs of Kevin Nolan’.

The album is a number of his already released songs but have been broken down and dissected by a few other artists including Vyvienne Long, Susanne Wawra, Conor O and more.

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Tallaght-born musician Kevin Nolan caught up with The Echo this week to tell us a little bit about what “HIIHII” is all about.

He said: “Two years ago I put out an open call for people to come in and dissect my work – in particular the already released ‘Frederick and the Golden Dawn’.

"The open call was broadcast by John Kelly on RTE Lyric FM, and I’m very grateful for that, but I got loads of replies from all around Europe.”

The artwork for the album features an MRI scan of his shoulder with Kevin telling us that his “artist brain never turns off”.

He continued: “I hurt my shoulder recently and when I was in getting the MRI on the shoulder I asked the doctor if I could get a copy of it.

“A couple of days later I got about 80 pictures and I found this one and thought it was pretty cool.

“It has a bit of a meaning, it’s almost like figuratively this album is somebody looking deeper into me, and that MRI symbolises that.”

Kevin then finished up telling us about what we can expect from him next.

He said: “It’s the successor to Frederick, and I’ve been getting really good feedback from this new one that I’m working on. People seem to really like it.

“It features Mick Pyro from Republic of Loose, and Vyvienne Long again.”

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