Illegal dumping soars in city South Central

Illegal dumping soars in city South Central

By Maurice Garvey

DUBLIN South Central received the second highest level of complaints on illegal dumping in the Dublin City Council administrative areas over the last 12 months.

There were 2,538 reports of illegal dumping made to Dublin City Council for the South Central administrative area, which includes Ballyfermot, Inchicore, Drimnagh, Bluebell and Crumlin.

Dumping Balgaddy

Dumping black spots continue to blight the area.

This amounted to 22 per cent of the total complaints received by DCC over the last 12 months for the administrative area of Dublin they cover.

Unsurprisingly, the Central administrative area received the most complaints – 3,498 – and the North West received 2,397 reports of illegal dumping.

In 2018, the local authority spent €1,159,000 cleaning up 3,932 tonnes of illegal waste.

Cllr Daithí Doolan said: “I am deeply disappointed to see Dublin South Central suffering from the second highest level of illegal dumping in Dublin. Illegal dumping is an insult to our communities. But it also comes at a huge, spiraling cost.

“The cost of tackling illegal dumping has increased from €966,663 in 2016 to €1,159,219 in 2018. Meanwhile this year it looks set to jump to €1,212,000. This is money that could be spent on sports and recreational facilities.

“I am calling on Dublin City Council to target dumping black spots like Inchicore’s Tyrconnell Road. Those caught must face stiffer penalties that hits them hard in the pocket.”

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