Scoil Rince girls have their dancing shoes on at C’ships

Scoil Rince girls have their dancing shoes on at C’ships

By Taylor Gleeson

Scoil Rince Nic Liam dance school members, along with their dance teachers Lorraine McGee and Ciara McAnaspie travelled to Luton, London on Saturday, June 15 to compete in the CRDM Southern England Championships.    

There were 20 dancers from the Clondalkin school competing in solos, and each one earned a spot on the podium, which ranks first  through fifth place.

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Members of Scoil Rince Nic Liam school with their awards

AnnMarie Callaghan from Scoil Rince Nic Liam was delighted that a number of the girls got first place.

“It was amazing; their teacher was really proud of all of them,” Callaghan said of all 20 students being on the podium. “We’re a small school so for all of them to do so well was just a great achievement.”

According to Ms Callaghan, the dancers had been practicing for the competition for six months, since around Christmas time. “They practice about five hours a week,” she said of the dancers. 

Callaghan said that London was the school’s first trip outside of Ireland, but they are hopeful it won’t be their last. “We hope to have more trips abroad. It would be a dream to take them to America to dance.”

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Kelsey 1st in prelim 4th in Open C’ship

The school will be attending the All-Ireland’s in Citywest the weekend of Friday, July 5 to hopefully gain more podium wins, and they have more big plans for the future. “The big competition would be The Worlds in April in Killarney,” Callaghan said.

The school practices Wednesdays and Thursdays, with the older girls practicing on Mondays as well. “Every week they’re practicing for everything that’s coming up, the older girls have extra practice,” Callaghan said.

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Alix second in Preliminary and 4th in Open C’ship

To find out more about Scoil Rince Nic Liam go to their Facebook page Scoil Rince Nic Liam.    

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