St Kevin’s school proudly fly their green and amber flags and open new blue yard
Members of the school’s Green-School committee proudly holding their flag which they received for water conservation

St Kevin’s school proudly fly their green and amber flags and open new blue yard

Green, Amber and Blue are the colours everyone at St Kevin’s Boys’ School are talking about.

There was smiles all round in the Kilnamanagh School last week when they were presented with their second ‘Green Flag’ for Water Conservation.

The second flag raised on the day was the ‘Amber Flag’, presented by Dee from Pieta House, in recognition of the School’s promotion of positive mental health.

Funds raised through their ‘Inside-Out’ Day, were presented on behalf of the children.

Pieta House’s work on Suicide Prevention is very much valued by the school community.

Dee from Pieta House receives a cheque from St Kevin’s pupils and staff in Kilnamanagh after their fundraiser

The school also officially opened the extension of their Junior playground, the new ‘Blue Yard’ extension, is an all-weather, soft-play surface.

The project was  sponsored by a former pupil and the works were expertly completed by Roadstone, Belgard.

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