What’s Cookin’ with Donal Skehan
By Mary Dennehy
DESPITE rushing through Dublin airport on a blustery morning this week, Donal Skehan remained his affable, friendly and down-to-earth self as he spoke to The Echo about his anticipated move to LA.
Donal Skehan has went from food blogger to international kitchen hero in the space of five years - with his simple, realistic and mouth-watering recipes achievable for even the most primitive of cooks.
Donal’s straightforward way of thinking about food is refreshing, with his new book Fresh and RTE TV series, Cook, Eat, Burn focusing on healthy food that will sustain and energise bodies both mentally and physically, without compromising on taste and from ingredients that stocked in the average cupboard.
Not only is Donal creating a solid fan-base with members of the public, but top chefs like Jamie Oliver have also thrown their weight behind the Dublin lad, whose new cook book Fresh has been shortlisted in the Irish Cook Book of the Year competition.
Despite running to catch a flight to London, Donal took five to speak with The Echo.
You’re career has really taking off in the past two years, what do you think your selling point is?
I think that the fact I’m not a chef, I’m a home cook. I make recipes that people can cook and want to cook. The trick is to make food you want to eat, food can be tasty, healthy and simple all at the same time. To be honest, most of the time I find [my career] hard to believe, it’s all pretty surreal.