Women of 1916 celebrated in song, dance and poetry

Women of 1916 celebrated in song, dance and poetry

By Mary Dennehy

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THE women of 1916 are being remembered and celebrated through song, dance and poetry on April 18, when the Ladies Social Group in Newcastle stages a centenary performance.

The Echo met with the over-fifties group in St Finian’s Community Hall on Tuesday when the members gathered to rehearse the upcoming performance – which focuses on the stories of the women involved in the Easter Rising.

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Established three years ago, the Ladies Social Group has 68 members who engage in a diverse range of activities and events – with the centenary performance being their biggest project to date.

Society chairperson, Margaret Maher told The Echo: “We have a great team and lots of research was carried out on each of the women and the song and dance of the day.

“We also spent a lot of time researching clothes worn and we were surprised at what we had at home – many of us found old hats, blouses and jewellery that, bought years ago, reflected what was worn at the time.”

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She added: “We decided to focus on 1916 from the women’s point of view and bring their stories and experiences to life – and help to raise awareness around these women, many of whom have not, until now, been widely known.

“We felt as a ladies’ group that it was fitting for us to celebrate their contribution and their mark on society and we’re all looking forward to the performance on April 18.

“Everybody has worked so hard and put so much energy into the event, it’s sure to be enjoyable for both the society and members of the audience.”

Part of the active age movement, the social group has invited a number of active-age clubs to the performance, which will be staged in St Finian’s Community Hall, Newcastle, on April 18 at 11am.

Anybody interested in attending the centenary event, which is free, is invited to email Margaret at margaretmaher45@gmail.com


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