110 housing units are under construction in Adamstown

110 housing units are under construction in Adamstown

By Brendan Grehan

THERE are currently 110 housing units under construction in Adamstown which are due for delivery between the fourth quarter of 2018 and the first quarter of 2019.

The figures were revealed at this weeks Lucan Area committee meeting following a motion proposed by Councillor Liona O’Toole.

Adamstown 2

110 housing units will be delivered in Phase one of Shackleton, Somerton and St Helens in Adamstown

Cllr O’Toole proposed: “That this Area Committee requests the Chief Executive provide an update on housing in Adamstown SDZ regarding social and affordable.”

The Council said that they are engaging with three developers in the Adamstown SDZ. They said there are 110 units under construction scheduled for delivery by the fourth quarter of 2018 and the first quarter of 2019.

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Three three-bedroomed semi-detached homes will be completed in Shackleton Phase 1 in November 2018.

In Somerton Phase 1, 32 semi-detached three-bedroomed homes will be completed in late 2018/early 2019.

 In St Helens Phase 1, seven semi-detached three bedroomed homes will be completed in late 2018/early 2019.

In Shackleton Phase 1 three three-bedroomed apartments, four three bedroomed duplexes, 10 one-bedroomed apartments, 48 two-bedroomed apartments and three two-bedroomed duplexes will be completed in late 2018/early 2019.

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