Additional information required for the demolition of the Speaker Conolly
An artist impression of the Speaker Conolly Pub plans

Additional information required for the demolition of the Speaker Conolly

ADDITIONAL information has been requested in relation to the demolition of the Speaker Conolly Public House and the development of 55 residential units and commercial units.

Developer Seabren Developments Limited plans consist of the demolition of the Speaker Conolly public house including the part single part two storey public house, and ancillary stores and structures, on a development site of 0.323 Hectares and the development of 55 residential units together with commercial uses all in one building ranging in height from four to six storeys and part basement.

The residential units are made up of 17 one-bed apartments, 38 two-bed apartments with plans for a Public House and Restaurant, one café, beauty salon at ground floor level, medical centre and gym at first floor level.

The existing basement will be used as a plant room and the works include removal of the boundary wall along Ballycullen Avenue, reconfiguration of the existing entrance, access road and public footpath and use of the existing internal access road including the vehicular link between Ballycullen Avenue and the Firhouse Shopping Centre.

The development will also consist of the provision of enhanced pedestrian infrastructure, provision of communal open space at podium level and related play areas, public open space (c.390 )including hard and soft landscaping, boundary treatment, street furniture, car parking along the internal access road (two visitor spaces), below podium car parking (25 spaces, including two accessible spaces and two car share spaces), electric vehicle charging points (4. no. of spaces ), bicycle parking (104 long stay, 48 short stay spaces and 4 cargo bike spaces), ESB substation and electrical services area, piped infrastructural services and connections to existing public services, ducting; plant, waste management provision, SuDS measures including Green/Blue roofs, stormwater management, signage; public lighting, solar panels.

As well as telecommunications infrastructure including 18 No. antennas enclosed in 9 No. shrouds and 6 No. transmission dishes, together with all associated equipment and all ancillary site development and excavation works above and below ground.

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