Appeal lodged over council’s decision to grant apartments at Silver Granite site
An artist impression of the plans for the Silver Granite pub

Appeal lodged over council’s decision to grant apartments at Silver Granite site

A THIRD party appeal has been lodged with An Bord Pleanala over South Dublin County Council’s decision to grant permission for the demolition of the Silver Granite Pub in Palmerstown in turn for a mixed use development and apartments.

Located at the junction of Kennelsfort Road Upper and Wheatfield Road, developer Hollyville Investments Ltd plan for the demolition of the existing building on site and the construction of a five-storey over partial basement, mixed-use development comprising a gastro pub/restaurant, two no. retail units, associated bin stores, bike stores, 1 no. ESB sub-station, all at ground floor level; a small plant room at basement level.

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