Burglary spree targets schools
The Tallaght community has been hit with expected costs of up to €50,000, after ten schools and community centres were thrashed during a four-day burglary spree – with one school being forced to close after being broken into three times over the weekend.
The vibrant and progressive Tallaght West community was raided by burglars between Thursday, November 6, and this Monday, November 10, in a four-day spree which saw raiders inflict thousands of euro worth of damage to schools, education hubs and community centres – in search of cash.
Premises targeted include, St Aidan’s Community School, Brookfield, St Anne’s National School, Fettercairn, Loretto Pre-School, Knockmore National School in Killinarden, St Martin’s National School in Brittas, Jobstown Community Centre, Brookfield Community Centre, An Cosán education centre, Jobstown, and Citywise, which was broken into twice over the weekend.
See page 5.