Bursary bonanza for Moyle Park students
THE 2022 recipients of the Paul Caffrey Bursary were presented with their bursaries at an event in Moyle Park.
Each bursary is worth €20,000 and is paid in instalments of €5,000 annually to the individual students.
The bursaries were presented on Tuesday night, November 15 by Mary Caffrey.
The Paul Caffrey Bursary was founded by a past pupil of the school who wishes to remain anonymous.
The donor developed the bursary to give back to the students of the college by alleviating some of the financial pressures of university.
The donor further wishes that the recipients of the bursary will continue this cycle and give back to the College in some way or other in the future.
The Bursary is named after Paul Caffrey, a past pupil of the school who died in his early twenties.
Paul was heavily involved in the local Clondalkin Rugby Club and represented the club as a player and as a coach, and was represented last night by his mother Mary Caffrey.
Student Ciaran Kirk with family and Mary Caffrey
Raul Philip is the recipient of the first bursary.
He is currently studying Aeronautical Engineering in the University of Limerick. Ciarán Kirk is the recipient of the second bursary.
Ciarán is studying Journalism in DCU. The boys thanked their families and teachers for the wonderful support they received over the years.
They also thanked the Caffrey Family, and the incredible generosity of the donor who continues to support the next generation of Moyle Park Students.
Meanwhile, the 2022 recipients of the Marist Bursary were also presented with their bursaries on Tuesday, November 15 in Moyle Park.
Eamonn O’Callaghan (Marist Bursary) with family and Br Nicholas
The bursaries were presented on the night by Br. Nicholas. Each student received €1,000 towards their education.
Eamon O”Callaghan and Luke Swayne were the recipients of bursaries.
Eamon is studying Sport and Health in TUD, while Luke is studying Engineering, also in TUD.
The boys thanked their families and teachers for the wonderful support they received over the years.
They also thanked the Brothers who continue to support the education of students in Moyle Park College.
The Marist Brothers’ Award was inaugurated by the Board of Management of Moyle Park College at the launch of the Golden Jubilee celebrations on October 13, 2007.
The award has been set up to recognise the contribution that the Marist Brothers have made to education in Clondalkin and the surrounding areas since 1957.
The award recognises students who, based on their overall strengths and development, represent the characteristic ethos and vision of a Marist education in Moyle Park College.
Moyle Park College Principal, Niamh Cahalane commended the “generosity of the donor and the Marist Brothers and the huge impact the bursaries have had on the recipients to date.
The bursaries are a huge incentive to future generations of Moyle Park students. As the old saying goes, “Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh siad”.