Close shave for brother and sister in aid of Pieta House crisis centre

Close shave for brother and sister in aid of Pieta House crisis centre

A BROTHER and sister from Knocklyon braved the shaver to raise funds for suicide and self-harm crisis centre, Pieta House.

Saoirse (25) and Dylan (23) Schad staged a charity head shave in the Firhouse Community Centre last Friday, April 28, and raised more than €800 for Pieta House – with money still coming in.

Pieta House head shave fundraiser 04052017

The siblings, who are past students of Firhouse Community School, organised the head shave in support of mental health services, after people they knew lost their lives to suicide.

Saoirse told The Echo that, alongside raising money, the sister and brother team wanted to raise awareness around mental health and “get the conversation started” among their friends and the wider community.

Saoirse and Dylan’s go Fund Me page called Head-shaving for Pieta House will be accepting donations for the next week.
For details on Pieta House visit or call 1800 247 247.

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