Dublin stars help launch eighth annual TM Cycle for Pieta House
By William O’Connor
DUBLIN footballers Paul Flynn and Darren Daly, along with Pieta House CEO Brian Higgins, came together at the Pieta House Lucan centre to launch the eighth annual TM Cycle.
The cycle, which is taking place as part of the inaugural Pieta 100 National Cycle Weekend, aims to raise awareness of the work carried out by Pieta House and to celebrate the lives of those lost to suicide.
On Saturday, September 26, the TM cycle will kick off from Good Counsel GAA and Camogie Club in Drimnagh passing Rathcoole, Naas and Allenwood, followed by Barberstown, Celbridge and Lucan and finishing back in the GAA club in Drimnagh.
Cyclists can choose from either a 100km or 140km route.
Over €285,000 has been raised so far by the TM Cycle for Pieta House since the fundraiser began in 2008.
“We’re committed to offering a free service but we can only continue to do this with the help and support of the people and communities around Ireland” said Brian Higgins, CEO of Pieta House.
“Our vision is a world where suicide, self-harm and stigma have been replaced by hope, self-care and acceptance. I want to thank the organisers of the TM Cycle and all those who have taken part and raised funds for Pieta House over the last seven years. I’d like to ask people to sign up to this cycle or one of the other cycles happening as part of the first ever Pieta 100 National Cycle Weekend,” he added.
The TM and Pieta 100 Cycles will raise much needed funds for the nine Pieta House centres across the country, as well as raising awareness of the issues of suicide and self-harm. Pieta House hopes the events will become part of their annual fundraising calendar.
Registration for the TM Cycle is now open and route details can be found on www.tmcycle.com and on Facebook/TM-cycle and on Twitter @tm_cycle
Registration and route information for the Pieta 100 cycles taking place in Limerick, Cork and Galway can be found at www.pieta100cycle.com and on Facebook/pieta100 and on Twitter @pieta100cycle
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