Final report goes forward for 170 affordable homes
A FINAL report on plans by Dublin City Council for over 170 affordable homes in Cherry Orchard was presented at a special housing meeting on Tuesday, September 20.
The local authority is working through a Part 8 process for the development of 172 units (141 three-bed houses and 31 two-bed houses), two public open spaces, and associated site infrastructure works.
The 5.57 hectares site is on council-owned lands located in between Cherry Orchard Hospital, Wheatfield Prison, and Cherry Orchard Football Club.
According to the report, the city council’s planning authority welcomes the development of vacant zoned lands for housing, and “regeneration of a derelict site within an established community in Cherry Orchard.”
The proposed development is considered to be in accordance with the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022 and the Park West and Cherry Orchard Local Area Plan 2019, specifically Site 1 Elmdale Hospital.
The city council’s Planning Department supports the proposed development of 172 new homes and considers that the scheme put forward is “both unique and of high quality in terms of its design.”
As approval of a Part 8 application is a reserved function of the city council, the report states it is now the intention to bring the proposal to the October city council meeting for formal approval.
Proposals for the development also include the construction of a link road to Ballyfermot Road – a development objective of the Park West Cherry Orchard Local Area Plan 2019.
Plans include 14 public car-parking spaces along the south side of the link road.
The development includes a children’s playground on the eastern section of the lands, with provision of ten public bicycle-parking spaces.
Plans for the development also include a new boundary wall and railing to Cherry Orchard Hospital and Cloverhill Courthouse, incorporating provision for a future pedestrian entrance to Cherry Orchard Hospital.
According to the city council, houses developed under the Affordable Housing Fund scheme should be sold to qualified applicants at a minimum of 15 per cent below the open market values for the area – meaning the local authority will take a 15 per cent equity stake in the property.