Go-ahead for 290 Citywest apartments

Go-ahead for 290 Citywest apartments

By Maurice Garvey

AN BORD Pleanála (ABP) has given the green light to 290 apartments at Citywest in spite of opposition to the plan by Dunnes Stores.

OBSF Ltd has secured planning permission for the apartments across six apartment blocks ranging from five to seven storeys in height on a 2.9 hectare site at the Citywest Shopping Centre, Fortunestown.


You can see Citywest Shopping Centre with McDonalds in the foreround and in the proposed you cant...

Planning documents show that Dunnes Stores was one of the objectors to the plan, along with a large number of local residents.

In a comprehensive objection, Dunnes Stores stated that it wished to object as the proposal materially contravenes local planning policy and would have an adverse visual impact on the area.

Dunnes Stores is the anchor tenant at Citywest Shopping Centre.

In the objection, Dunnes claimed that the reduction in the shopping centre car-parking capacity, combined with under-supply of parking to support the development, will put the shopping centre’s surface and basement car parks under significant pressure.

South Dublin County Council made a submission, stating the proposed development fails to comply with the Fortunestown Local Area Plan (LAP) in relation to building height, density and dwelling mix.

The council also said that the density of the development is too high and that development should be capped at three storeys.


From another angle , you can see Citywest Shopping Centre with McDonald’s in the foreground, in the proposed you cant

The council recommended that two of the apartment blocks be omitted from the proposed development pending a future application which takes a holistic approach to the development around the shopping centre.

However, ABP granted planning permission for all blocks proposed by the applicants.

The appeals ruled that the plan would provide residential accommodation at a location that would promote sustainable travel patterns.

The board also found that the proposal would be acceptable in terms of pedestrian and traffic safety, would achieve an acceptable standard of urban design, and would not seriously injure the residential or visual amenities of the area or of property in the vicinity.

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