Hospital looking for volunteers who play an important role
A Local woman says ‘she gets more than she gives’ volunteering at Tallaght University Hospital (TUH), reports Cliodhna Brooks.
TUH is appealing for anyone with four hours of free time to consider volunteering at the hospital.
Carol Mullins the Volunteer Manager at TUH says the service plays an important role, “in helping patients and has been integral to the hospital since 1998, when we first opened our doors”.
Marie Barnes, who works in the Volunteer Coffee Shop at TUH, says: “I enjoy volunteering and I love being part of the team here at the hospital and giving back to my community. I get more from volunteering than I give.”
When the hospital first opened in the late nineties, volunteers showed patients coming in, where to find their clinic. They also helped family members to find a ward to visit a loved one.
Today the Meet, Greet and Guide Volunteers also support patients as they check in with the Self Registration Out-patient Kiosks. These special machines print out detailed directions on how to find a particular clinic. Combined with the support from volunteers this ensures patients can easily find their appointment.
Noel Reynolds
Noel Reynolds, a volunteer in the TUH Meet, Greet and Guide Service says: “I was a patient here in the hospital. The nurses, doctors and staff looked after me so well, so in return I came back to help other people.”
As well as the vital work the volunteers do, sometimes they will conduct surveys with patients to get feedback about their hospital experience. This helps TUH continue to improve the care and services it delivers to patients.
If you or someone you know has four hours to spare each week and would like to learn more about volunteering, get in touch.
TUH is delighted to work with companies and their employees who would like to volunteer to help at the hospital on an individual or team basis. You can call a member of our Patient Advice & Liaison Service on 01 414 4709 emails