Just two weeks left to enter The Echo 1984 Bonny Baby competition

Just two weeks left to enter The Echo 1984 Bonny Baby competition

Were you a bonny baby in 1984? If you (or your mammy) think you were then you may want to dig out your favourite baby picture.

With just two weeks to go until the closing date in The Echo Bonny Baby 2017 competition, we want you to send in your adorable baby pictures from 1984.

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Each picture sent in will be featured in the Echo, and the winner will be chosen at an event in October, where €1,000 will be up for grabs.

On the night 10 finalists, chosen by an independent panel of judges, will gather and one former bonny baby will be named the winner.

Entering is simple – all you have to do is send your picture with your name, address, phone number and email to competition@echo.ie

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