Local residents urged to report stockpiling of bonfire material
By Maurice Garvey
RESIDENTS are encouraged to report the stockpiling of bonfire material in areas of Dublin South Central to Dublin City Council, in the lead up to Halloween.
Last year, DCC removed in excess of 420 tonnes of bonfire materials during the Halloween period in response to 280 reports of stockpiling from the public through the various reporting channels in the council.
Strong cooperation received every year from gardai is considered by authorities as essential to the success of these operations – which has seen a reduction in anti-social activity in Ballyfermot at Halloween in recent years.
Simon Brock of DCC’s Waste Management Services said: “DCC is again putting in place an extensive action plan for the 2017 Halloween period.
“We are asking you to report incidents of stockpiling of bonfire material to us as soon as possible so we can remove the material and avoid the risk of serious injury and damage to our environment over the Halloween period.”
In the month leading up to Halloween, the local authority are carrying out dozens of stockpiling raids, removing bonfire material at numerous locations across the constituency.
Bonfires are illegal and residents are encouraged to report any stockpiled material at DCC’s litter hotline 1800 251 500 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm), DCC’s Customer Services Centre on 222 2222 (Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm) or 01 679 6186 (evenings and weekends), visit http://www.dublincity247.ie/, and click on the link ‘Report Stockpiling of Bonfire Material’ for further information.