MiDentalCare is ready to ‘look after everyone in the community’
MiDentalCare has opened in Milltown Centre

MiDentalCare is ready to ‘look after everyone in the community’


A recently established dental clinic in Milltown Centre is open to new patients and ready to “look after everyone in the community.”

Coming from years of experience within healthcare in Dublin, Niamh and John Webb-O’Rourke opened MiDentalCare in December 2023, after taking over a unit left vacant by a previous dental clinic.

“We are a new, family-led dental group, and we want people to know we are a community clinic, looking after families, individuals, everyone in the area,” said Ms Webb-O’Rourke.

The clinic is currently accepting new patients, both private and PRSI, and has applied to take in Medical Patients too in “the next couple of months.”

“We want our patients to be comfortable and happy with the service once they leave our clinic, and happy to return,” added Ms Webb-O’Rourke.

With more than two decades of experience in fostering a connection with the community, Sheena McEniff is MiDentalCare Clinical Director.

Practice Owner and Lead Dentist at The Square Dental Practice in Tallaght from 1998 to 2021, Ms McEniff is now ready to address the needs of Milltown community with the same passion.

MiDentalCare, which has no ties with the previous clinic, offers a wide range of services such as general exams and emergency visits, periodontal treatment, endodontic treatments, dentures, teeth whitening and “much more.”

Aesthetic treatments like anti-wrinkle, dermal fillers, and hyperhidrosis are also available for patients.

Opening times are Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm, with late nights and Saturday availability coming soon.

In its community-oriented vision, MiDentalCare clinic has not only pledged to work outside of regular business hours but also to reduce waiting times in general. “We are available to take emergency appointments, same day and week appointments, and more,” ensured Ms Webb-O’Rourke.

To learn more, visit midentalcare and their Facebook page MiDental Care Ireland.

To book appointments, call 01 260 3741 or e-mail milltown@midentacare.ie.

By clicking “book now” on the clinic website homepage, patients can also access an online booking portal.

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