Motor Group request Liffey Valley site can be zoned for office development
A request has been submitted for this site in Liffey Valley

Motor Group request Liffey Valley site can be zoned for office development

THE Killeen Motor Group has requested that the zoning for their site in Liffey Valley be altered so it can allow for office development in the area.

The subject site is undeveloped and adjacent to Toyota Liffey Valley. It is located in the Liffey Valley Retail area and is currently zoned under a Major Retail Centre (MRC) objective.

This zoning means the site is meant to protect, improve and provide for the future development of a Major Retail Centre.

The Killeen Motor Group lodged a submission requesting the alteration of this zoning, to allow for offices over 1,000sq.m. at the subject site.

They also requested that a policy to support office development outside the retail core should be adopted, and the inclusion of the Specific Local Objective “to encourage office development on the subject site”.

In the conclusion of their submission, the motor group said the amendments “would encourage the development of the site for a use to which it is very well suited”.

“The current range of policies are restrictive and have not encouraged development on the site thus far,” they claimed.

“The proposed changes would encourage the sustainable development of the site for an employment-generating use and would contribute towards good planning and the sustainable development of the area.”

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