Motorist has a lucky escape when driving over manhole on Naas Road

Motorist has a lucky escape when driving over manhole on Naas Road

By Maurice Garvey

A MOTORIST had a lucky escape this week when a manhole cover bounced up and hit the underneath of his car on the Naas Road.

The man, who did not wish to be named, said he was travelling southbound from the Red Cow when he heard a “big thud” at the Clondalkin exit on Thursday night at approximately 9.30pm.

Naas Road manhole damage 02 February 2017

He was forced to stop on the side of the road, and took pictures of the loose manhole which ended up 15 to 20 yards further down the road.

“It was lucky nobody was seriously injured,” he said.

“The thud badly damaged the front wheel, cracked the front bumper and damaged the passenger side of the car. It happened just across from where the Louis Fitzgerald is. There are two steel gates at the side of the road. The accident was beside that.

“I immediately called 999 and waited for 35 minutes with a friend who was in the car with me for gardai to arrive.”

The man said he frantically tried to warn other motorists who “probably thought what are those lunatics doing at the side of the road.”

He continued: “If a motorbike went over the hole, they would have no chance. It’s always busy on that motorway. I rang 999 three times, they said the system was down, and I rang Clondalkin Garda Station twice before a squad car was sent over.

“The manhole cover came up and hit the front underside of the car. I’m not sure what the total damage is as it needs to be assessed. My insurance want me to claim off them but that will raise my premium. I just want the car fixed.”

The national roads networks fall under the responsibility of Transport Infrastructure Ireland and local authorities are the governing body.

The Echo contacted TII but they weren’t avaialble before going to press.

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