Owner of RIC Barracks in Clondalkin village is ‘in absentia’
RIC Barracks in Clondalkin village

Owner of RIC Barracks in Clondalkin village is ‘in absentia’

ATEMPTS to serve notices on the owner of the RIC Barracks in Clondalkin village by the enforcement and derelict sites sections in South Dublin County Council, have been “exhausted as the owner is ‘in absentia’,”.

The private property has been vacant for many years.

At the recent Clondalkin area committee meeting, Cllr Francis Timmons (Ind) asked how the council will ensure the old RIC Barracks in Clondalkin will be “preserved and not allowed fall into further decay”.

In response, the local authority said a number of detailed replies, reports and updates have been provided to date to Clondalkin ACM by the council’s Architectural Conservation Officer and Planning Enforcement Section.

“As you may already know several attempts to serve notices on the owner or gain authorised access to the property to facilitate a proper inspection by the Enforcement Section, Planning and Environmental Services, Derelict sites have been exhausted as the owner is in absentia.

“Environmental Services confirmed that under the recommendations of the County Architect the derelict sites file was closed, and no further notices have been issued to the absentee owner since last October 2017 by Derelicts Sites.

“The property remains in private ownership and therefore it is not the remit of the local authority to determine a use for the property or to carry out any works.”

The site is subject of a Specific Local Objective in the Draft South Dublin Development Plan 2022 – 2028 which states “to investigate the purchase and development of the old RIC Barracks on the Old Nangor Road which is a Protected Structure within the present Architectural Conservation Area (ACA).”

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