Residents associations gather to object to village proposals
Ray Verso (Monastery Rise Residents Association), Donna McClelland (New Road), Anita Broderick (Floraville Residents Association), Linda de Courcy (Floraville), Bernie Cronin (St Brigid’s Residents Association) and Brendan Murphy (Monastery Rise) outside the council offices in Clondalkin Village

Residents associations gather to object to village proposals

A NUMBER of resident associations gathered to hand in their objection to proposals for traffic reduction in Clondalkin Village.

Residents from Floraville, St Brigid’s, Monastery Rise and Newlands, were among those who delivered their respective community concerns to South Dublin County Council civic offices this week.

The proposals form a wider part of the Clondalkin Local Area Plan (LAP), which is currently in the early stages of the process.

South Dublin County Council have said these are just proposals prepared by consultants for the pre-draft phase of the LAP and the purpose was to get feedback from the public.

Bernie Cronin, chairman St Brigid’s resident’s association, said residents fear the proposals as they were presented, would lead to estates becoming a rat run, including St Brigid’s, Monastery Rd, Laurel Park, Monastery Rise, Monastery itself, Floraville and Knockmitten.

Leaflet drops were left into local businesses during the week, and on Tuesday, Mr Cronin submitted a letter to the council with objections from 14 businesses located in and around the village, which also contained in total, over 800 signatures from customers “who also object to the proposals.”

The letter states businesses object to the traffic proposals in the Clondalkin LAP “because of the detrimental impact the changes would have on their business.”

It includes signatures from 297 customers in Betsy’s Bakeshop and 107 in Harmony Cleaners.

Cllr William Carey (SF) said the LAP is an opportunity to raise standards on the architecture and aesthetics of the village, which is “currently seen as disjointed” with development “allowed to take place without any regard to an overall plan that can benefit the community.”

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