Tales of Tallaght that haven’t been told before
Albert Perris

Tales of Tallaght that haven’t been told before

A POPULAR local historian who aims to “tell the tales of Tallaght that haven’t been told before” launched his new book last week.

The well-attended function for the launch for ‘A Ramble About Tallaght: History, People, Places’ by Albert Perris, published by O’Brien Press, took place in Tallaght Library last Wednesday, November 8.

Albert’s blog, which shares a name with his book, has become a popular fount of knowledge over the years as he engagingly and accurately recalls little-known aspects of Tallaght’s intriguing past.

Speaking at the launch of the book last week, Albert said: “The vast majority of people now living in Tallaght didn’t live here before 1970.

“For 50 years, thousands of people have been passing landmarks in their local community without ever really knowing very much about them – and they are the landmarks that are still standing.

“What about the ones that are no longer landmarks, the ones that are no longer there?

“How many people living in Killinarden now would know about the old Georgian residence of Killinarden House?

Albert Perris signing one of his book

“How many people in Brookfield would know what went on in Brookfield House, or even know that it was once there at all?

“How many people in Fettercairn would know of the history of Fettercairn House, or New-Hall – the loves and losses of the family there?

“All of these estates were built in fields that once had a story, and it is these stories that I believe can give a place, a community, its own unique identity.

“I have set out to tell the tales of Tallaght that haven’t been told before.”

Much like on Albert’s ‘A Ramble About Tallaght’ blog, the book gives fascinating accounts of characters and families from years past, and the changing landscape of the places where they lived.

The tome also contains numerous striking photos charting Tallaght’s heritage, many of which were taken by JP Flanagan, Pete Smyth, and Brian MacCormaic. Speaking at the launch, Mayor Alan Edge referred to the rich history of Tallaght, and praised Albert for producing such a definitive and accessible catalogue of the history of the area.

“The history of this place goes back thousands and thousands of years,” said Mayor Edge.

“In the last 50 or 60 years we have seen the transformation of this place – we are now dealing with an area that is effectively a city.

“But, still, the history of the place is being preserved by people like Albert Perris, with this beautiful new book.

“It is really important for the new people coming into the county to realise that they are moving into an area with a past – that the estate that they are living in has a particular name, for a particular reason, because of what stood there before, hundreds of years ago.”

‘A Ramble About Tallaght: History, People, Places’ by Albert Perris is available in Easons in Tallaght, local bookshops, and online from Easons and the O’Brien Press websites.

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