Tallaght’s Emmet Kirwan was brilliant on the Late Late Show last night

Tallaght’s Emmet Kirwan was brilliant on the Late Late Show last night

Tallaght’s Emmet Kirwan was a guest on last night’s Late Late Show, and the inspirational poet and actor spoke openly about several topics, including a chance meeting with his brother, who he had not seen in a number of years.

Having just finished college, The Dublin Oldschool actor was in London for an audition on September 11, 2001, the day of the terrorist attacks in the United States.

He watched the second plane crash into the Twin Towers with a crowd of others outside an electronics store, and then continued on his way, eventually meeting his brother who was sleeping rough on the streets of England’s capital.

His sibling was living with heroin addiction at the time, and said he was not ready to come home at that particular moment.

A short time later Kirwan and his parents returned to London in search of their loved one and brought him home.

The intriguing story was just one of several covered in the interview, with the Heartbreak writer speaking eloquently about his time in Trinity, training as an actor, the impact of emigration on a generation, and much more.

You can watch the full interview on the RTE player HERE

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