TUH are first with innovative infographic
INNOVATION: Dr Natalie Cole, Dr Melanie Ryberg, Lisa Dune CNM 3 and Niamh Gavin CEO Adelaide Health Foundation

TUH are first with innovative infographic

AN INNOVATIVE infographic was unveiled in Tallaght University Hospital’s (TUH) intensive care unit on Monday, detailing the functions and purposes of various different items of medical equipment.

Sponsored by the Adelaide Health Foundation Innovation Fund, the simple, colourful and clinically-accurate infographic will be on display in the waiting area for families.

The ICU wing at TUH is the first hospital in the country to display this type of informative infographic, with the aim of enabling families to familiarise themselves with key ICU equipment they’ll encounter.

It is hoped that the display will ‘demystify’ the very clinical and often daunting nature of the ICU for families and give them a greater understanding of the equipment being used on their loved ones.

Commenting on the infographic, Dr Melanie Ryberg, principal clinical psychologist and clinical neuropsychologist in ICU said it will help families as they deal with the stress of ICU admission.

“It is well established that families experience significant levels of stress and distress during the admission of a loved one to ICU,” she said.

“For most of our families, the sudden and unexpected admission of their loved one will be their first (and possibly only) experience of the world of ICU.

“International research has shown that family members, as well as patients themselves, are at risk of experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder and other distress-related psychological difficulties specifically related to their ICU experience.

“This can hamper long-term recovery for our patients and significantly impact the quality of life and wellbeing of their families.

“Lots of work has been done internationally to ‘humanise’ the ICU for patients, and we knew that this simple initiative would go a long way to humanising the experience of the ICU for the families also.”

Niamh Gavin, chief executive of the Adelaide Health Foundation said: “We are delighted to support this initiative which will support so many families and patients in our community.

“It is such a simple measure which will help our ICU families experience the unit as a less threatening and confusing environment, enabling them [to] be more present with their loved ones and helping reduce their stress and distress.”

Head of innovation at Innovate Heath at TUH, Dr Natalie Cole commented: “This project sits very well within the TUH Innovation Strategy of improving patient care through a culture of innovation.

“It takes old ideas and presents them in a new and accessible way, in service of a better experience and outcomes for our patients and their families, demonstrating the very best of innovation.”

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