Calls to replace damaged road signs quicker

Calls to replace damaged road signs quicker

By Mary Dennehy

SOUTH Dublin County Council has been asked to replace damaged street signs within Tallaght estates in a quicker time frame, in order to support community identity, ownership and pride.

At last week’s Tallaght Area Committee meeting, Anti-Austerity Alliance (AAA) councillor Brian Leech asked the council to give a commitment that damaged road signs within Tallaght estates would be replaced in a short time frame.

Russell Sq street signs 2 

Cllr Leech told The Echo: “I understand that the council cannot have signs ready to go when one is defaced or disappears but in some cases signs have been missing for longer than a year.

“When I was out canvassing for the by-election [October 2014] in communities like Mac Uilliam and Russell Square, for example, I noticed signs were defaced, broken or missing – and these signs were still missing when canvassing for the recent General Election.

Russell Sq street signs 1

“Signs are also missing in Kilmartin and Rossfield among other areas and I believe these signs should be fixed or replace in a quicker timeframe.

“Not only are they vital for people visiting the areas but they give estates a sense of ownership and identity – and when people drive in and see the name of the street they live on, it helps foster community pride.”

He added: “I understand that there is a time delay in getting signs reinstated but six months to a year is far too long.

“Maybe the council should as well examine putting estate names on the wall?”

Replying to Cllr Leech’s, the council said: “As soon as the area engineer becomes aware of damaged signs, he arranges to repair or replace them.

“However, there is a lead time in the manufacture of new replacement signs.”


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