Developer is seeking rezoning of Ballymount land for regeneration
The land use zoning from the council’s masterplan

Developer is seeking rezoning of Ballymount land for regeneration

A DEVELOPER has requested the rezoning of a section of their land in Ballymount Industrial Estate from enterprise and employment uses to regeneration.

Quanta Capital owns eight sites in the industrial estate, seven of which are zoned for regeneration uses and are to the north of Ballymount Road Lower, and one, to the south of Ballymount Road Lower, which is zoned for enterprise and employment uses.

In the submission by McCutcheon Halley on behalf of Quanta Capital, the council’s zoning of lands for regeneration in the County Development Plan was praised, but with the request that Quanta’s eighth site should also be rezoned for regeneration.

“Our client welcomes South Dublin County Council’s commitment to promote and support the realisation of the long-held regeneration and re-intensification objectives for these lands,” according to the submission.

“This approach is reflected in the draft Development Plan’s overarching policies and objectives and by the designation of these lands with the regeneration zoning Objective REGEN.

“We welcome the zoning of our client’s landholding for regeneration in the draft Development Plan. However, we note that site No. 8, while located within the Naas Road masterplan study area, remains zoned under land use objective EE.

“We request that draft land-use assigned to site No. 8 be amended to provide for REGEN zoning objective to ensure consistency in the development approach to these strategic lands.”

They added that Quanta’s sites in the Naas Road/Ballymount area have “significant locational, policy and zoning advantages over other lands in South Dublin’s administrative area.”

These advantages include the potential to “accommodate increased densities to increase housing provision, by reason of its location proximate to high-quality public transport”, and also the sites’ proximity to the city centre, according to the submission.

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