Food with passion: Warm Smoked Salmon Potato Salad

Food with passion: Warm Smoked Salmon Potato Salad

This is a really light, fresh and delicious salad supper dish that can be prepped in advance.

A lot more of us these days are working from home and this recipe is great one to get ahead and do most of the prep while on your lunch break and when it comes to suppertime it’s merely a bit of assembly and cooking the salmon (which cooks really quickly) and dinner is served.

Quick, simple and healthy this dish that does not compromise on flavours and is a great way to get one serving of fish a week.

I love the taste sensation of hot and cold together and I love that dish can be prepped and ready to serve in 12- 15minutes, just what anybody needs at the end of a long day.

The recipe serves four but if cooking for less reduce the quantities accordingly or alternatively you can make additional for lunch the next day!

Ingredients: (Serves 4)

4 Hot / cooked smoked salmon fillets (flaked)

Baby Potatoes

Small bunch of dill roughly chopped

Small bunch of chives roughly chopped

100g baby watercress/ Cos Lettuce / Lambs lettuce – Whatever you prefer

80g of garden peas – cooked

Squeeze of lemon juice

1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard

2 teaspoons of white wine vinegar

2 tablespoons of rapeseed oil

Sea Salt and ground black pepper



  1. Place the smoked salmon fillets on a baking sheet and in a preheated oven at 180 degrees cook for 12 -15 minutes but keep an eye on it you don’t want to overcook the salmon. Once cooked flake the salmon and set aside while you pull the salad together.


  1. At the same time pop the potatoes into a large pot of boiling salted water and simmer gently for 10 -12minutes until tender. Drain and allow to cool a little before slicing them in half and place into a large serving bowl.


  1. Whisk together the mustard, vinegar and rapeseed oil in a separate bowl and season generously to taste.


  1. Pour the dressing over the warm potatoes, add the flaked salmon, dill, peas, chives and mix well. Add the watercress, squeeze over some lemon juice and toss gently and serve immediately and enjoy.

This is a delicious fresh light, healthy supper with only 300 calories per serving so it’s perfect for Spring / Summer suppers or lunches which ever you prefer. Quick and easy to prepare this can be on the table within 15 – 20 minutes so it’s a fantastic supper when you crave something delicious but don’t want to spend time prepping and cooking after a long day.

I adore the vibrant, fresh inviting colours of this dish, so appetising and appealing I promise this will fast become one of your favourite dishes!

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