Gardai arrest man after alleged sexual assault
By Maurice Garvey
A MAN was arrested by Tallaght garda on Monday following the alleged sexual attack of a woman on Monday evening.
Local sources say there were lots of children playing in the vicinity of the attack, which occurred on Fortunestown Lane at approximately 7pm.
Sources reported seeing gardai running through a field of high grass as they gave chase to a suspect.
The victim is believed to be a female foreign national in her 20s, whilst the suspect is also believed to be in his 20s.
Senior gardai in Tallaght confirmed the sexual assault at Fortunestown, and said a file is currently being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.
Tallaght garda are also talking to witnesses, the horrifying attack happening in broad daylight and a lot of people in the area at the time.
The alleged attack may have been witnessed by a resident from a nearby apartment complex.
High grass and overgrown bushes, make it difficult for people to be spotted in, according to one concerned local.
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