Honours all round – Celebrations as local schools achieve high points in exams
By Laura Lyne
THERE were tears, screams, sighs of relief and a build up of nerves across South Dublin County on Wednesday morning as the results of the 2015 Leaving Certificate were released.
Students from across the county had been waiting in anticipation throughout the summer for their results, having sat their exams in June.
Almost 58,000 students across the county picked up their results this morning, with eight students picking up 800 points or more.
More than 6,500 students received one or more A1 results this year, with 27 per cent of students sitting the Higher Level Maths exam.
Higher Level Irish saw a seven per cent increase in uptake by students this year, with all Science subjects seeing a two to four percent increase.
Lucan Community College congratulated all 123 of its Leaving Certificate students following their results, with special congratulations to almost 15 per cent of students on achieving over 500 points.
Sixth year head, Mr Byrne said: “I am so proud of each and every one of them. They worked hard and put in their best effort and I know that they all have a bright future ahead of them.”
Deíric MacAnBhaird, príomhoide of Coláiste de hÍde in Tallaght said that the school were “delighted” with results.
He said: “It was one of our biggest classes this year, with 54 students. We’re especially delighted that so many students gained points for the courses they wanted.
“There was an increase in students sitting the honours level Maths, which seems to be across the board due to the increase in points.”
The 2015 helpline that offers advice and information to students has been opened by the National Parent’s Council since Wednesday and will be open on Thursday from 10am to 7pm, Friday from 10am to 1pm, Monday from 8 am to 7pm, Tuesday from 8am to 1pm and Wednesday from 8am to 1pm.
Students who are considering appealing a result can view their marked exams for free, but must submit an application form to view the exams by Tuesday, August 18 with viewings in their school on Friday, August 28 and Saturday, August 29.
Appeals must be made to the State Examinations Commission by 5pm on Wednesday, September 2 with results issued in mid-October.
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