Go-ahead for nursing home in Tymon North
By Laura Lyne
PERMISSION to develop a 100-bed nursing home in a field located in Tymon North has been granted by South Dublin County Council, despite objections from local residents and councillors.
The permission was granted on July 30 for the development of the 100-bed community nursing unit and day-care centre that will include en-suite bedrooms, day rooms, dining rooms, activity and therapy rooms, staff support rooms, central kitchen, a new vehicular and pedestrian site entrance off Tymon North Road, perimeter fencing and a car park.
Additional information was submitted on the application at the beginning of July, and included a 3D image of the proposed nursing home building.
Concerns raised by local residents and councillors about the development include the loss of sunlight and the loss of property value in the area, the overbearing impact of the development, inadequate car parking provision, an increase in traffic and the loss of privacy due to the proposed roof gardens.
AAA cllr Mick Murphy submitted an observation on the original application, raising concerns with the scale of the development.
Cllr Murphy told The Echo: “The decision takes no account of the points we raised regarding this being a complete overdevelopment of this site with the building in question having a larger footprint than the basketball arena.
“This site has a specific local objective in the County Development Plan which designates this site for a “Retirement Village”. This monstrosity is the furthest thing from the definition of a village and this decision amounts to the council ignoring its own Development Plan.
“The fact that a number of local councillors are on record as supporting this is not helping matters and is giving the planners some cover for their decision.”
The site, which covers an area of 8,000sq.m. was purchased by the HSE for €650,000 in late 2014 from South Dublin County Council.
The development had previously been welcomed by Labour councillor Mick Duff and Fianna Fáil couincillor Charlie O’Connor.
A street meeting will be held by Cllr Mick Murphy and a draft planning appeal will be presented at the field where the nursing home is set to be developed on Monday, August 24 at 7pm.