Letters to the editor: €6m SCU unit is spin of the highest and insult to the people
Dear Editor,
Despite my many human failings the two issues I have great difficulty handling is hypocrisy, and injustice. Reports on two different issues in the same daily in the last few days made my “blood boil”.
Recently I wrote in The Echo criticising the new Strategic Communications Unit (SCU) set up by the government. The Taoiseach justified it by stating that “communication was very important, a virtue, and even suggested it was needed as government weren’t conveying “progress being made”.
In my previous letter I described it as a “spin unit”. To confirm my views I need to reference comments in the report highlighting the hypocrisy of Taoiseach, and government on the issues.
It is not my intention to be political, but false respectability, and silence is the greatest cover for many wrongs. For the record the new SCU unit is costing the taxpayer 6 million euros. The following are extracts from the report:
“The Taoiseach moved to instruct the “spin unit” to ensure the Government gained credit for a major childcare policy ahead of the Department of Children”. An email obtained via a Freedom of Information request was addressed from Leo Varadkar to the SCU in July this year. The contents have shone a light on the machinations of state spin.