Major plans for Traders pub include demolishing and rebuilding premises
By Maurice Garvey
PLANS for a multi-use retail and residential development at the site of the Traders pub in Walkinstown, have been lodged with South Dublin County Council.
Developers Double E Investments, have lodged the plans, which include proposals to demolish the existing public house and the construction of an anchor retail unit incorporating five retail units.
The Traders pub was sold by Louis Fitzgerald for €1 million as part of an Allsop Auction last September.
The pub closed temporarily in December before re-opening, and just last week, it was evacuated for a bomb scare – before the army declared the scene safe.
Plans for the mixed-use development contain proposals to demolish the existing public house, take-away, betting office and associated accommodation.
It contains plans for the construction of an anchor retail unit area, incorporating ancillary off-licence and five retail units, doctors’ surgery, and re-location of existing public house, betting office and take-away.
The residential element in the plans comprises 26 apartment units, all above the retail element on three storeys.
The development also includes ancillary works and the retention of 38 existing car-parking spaces and the provision of 33 proposed additional surface car-parking spaces onsite and 27 on-street car-parking spaces on St James’s Road and Limekiln Green.
Permission is also sought for new boundary treatments, hard and soft landscaping, revisions to roads and all associated and site developments works.