Mercy garden transformed

Mercy garden transformed

By Maurice Garvey

AN UNKEMPT garden at a school was transformed by students, who turned the site into a ‘zen zone’.

The garden at Mercy Secondary School in Inchicore was previously overgrown with weeds and plants.

Mercy school

Dublin Mayor Nial Ring with students from Mercy Secondary School

However, Transition Year students donned protective gear and got to work in the garden, creating a pristine new space within three weeks.

TY students at the school have been working on multiple projects this year via a Young Social Innovators programme, and recently won an award at the Mansion House for a presentation they delivered on one such project titled ‘Give Mercy to Inchicore’.

Mercy Secondary School teacher Caroline McCorriston said the creation of a “zen zone” space in the school garden will represent an “area students can go to when they need a break, need air or need to talk to someone in private.

“It is still part of their YSI project on the under development of Inchicore, but this time they decided to focus on their school and see what improvements they could make,” said Ms McCorriston.

Among the guests in attendance for the launch of the new space, were Dublin Mayor Nial Ring, Senator Catherine Ardagh and Councillor Hazel de Nortúin.

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