New library development to include historic Ardscoil Éanna
An artist’s impression of the library at former Ardscoil Éanna

New library development to include historic Ardscoil Éanna

PLANS have been lodged by Dublin City Council for a proposed new library development at 314-318 Crumlin Road which includes an historic house, formerly known as Ardscoil Éanna.

This house is a protected structure and the proposal includes a new single-storey and partial two-storey branch library building.

The ground floor of the library will be comprised of a combined adult and children’s library space, an events room and other ancillary spaces.

The first floor of the library will be made up of a reading room and meeting room and ancillary staff rooms while at first-floor level the proposal includes a glazed bridge link connecting the new library building to the existing Ardscoil Éanna House.

The proposal includes the change of use of the historic house from school use to library use and ancillary café use including offices, WC facilities and multifunction rooms.

Conservation repair works and alterations are proposed to the historic house, including demolition of the non-original front porch, modifications to a number of ground-floor openings and enlargement of a first-floor gable window to accommodate the proposed bridge connection to the new library building. Internal alterations are proposed to return rooms to their original layout and to facilitate accessible toilets.

To the southern boundary, the existing pedestrian historic gate and the historic stone wall are to be retained, repaired and modified and a section of the southern boundary wall is modern and will be removed. A new vehicular and pedestrian entrance to the site will be formed from the Crumlin Road. It is proposed to remove the existing northern boundary wall.

The northern elevation of the new library building will form part of the northern boundary of the site. A new accessible pedestrian entrance will be formed to Rafter’s Lane and the western boundary will be a metal railing with a pedestrian gate and landscaping.

The existing eastern boundary wall is to be retained, and landscaping works are proposed that will form an accessible public realm within the site to include a library lawn and external seating with associated services and civil works.

18 on-site bicycle-parking spaces are proposed, with 12 adjacent to the pedestrian entrance at the southern boundary of the site and six adjacent to the pedestrian entrance at the northern boundary of the site. One on-street accessible car space is proposed, on Lissadel Road.

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