Permission sought to build 39 dwellings in Newcastle
Plans have been lodged for 39 dwellings at the junction of Burgage Street and Main Street in Newcastle

Permission sought to build 39 dwellings in Newcastle

PERMISSION is being sought for the construction of 39 dwellings at the junction of Burgage Street and Main Street in Newcastle.

The plans were submitted by one of the largest housebuilders in the country, Cairn Homes, to South Dublin County Council on March 2.

Permission is being sought for the demolition of an existing dwelling on the site and associated structures to make way for the residential development.

The proposal consists of 15 two-storey houses, comprising 14 three-bed houses and one four-bed detached house.

The development also includes 24 apartments in two three-storey buildings, with one block comprising eight two-bedroom apartments and eight three-bedroom, two-storey duplex apartments.

The proposed second apartment block is to comprise four two-bedroom apartments and four three-bedroom, two-storey duplex apartments.

Provision of open space, hard and soft landscaping, including public lighting and boundary treatment, and communal open space for the apartments is included.

Three vehicular access points are to be provided from Burgage Street, while provision of 61 surface car parking spaces, 74 surface cycle spaces and six motorcycle spaces form part of the plans.

A decision on the application is due from South Dublin County Council by April 26.

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