Recycling banks to increase

Recycling banks to increase

THE NUMBER of recycling banks in the county will rise to 120 by 2021, the December monthly meeting of South Dublin County Council heard this week.

Councillor Francis Timmons had tabled a question asking that a report be brought to members of the council “on recycling banks and what is being done and can be done to increase recycling banks in SDCC?” He also asked when will a recycling plan be brought to full council.

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The council replied that a review of the county recycling strategy was carried out in 2015/2016 and that the findings were presented at February 2016 meeting.

The report gave details of 70 existing bring-bank sites in the county which includes glass, can and textile recycling sites and identified a target of 120 to be achieved by the end  of 2021. Of the 70 bring-bank sites, 45 of them have glass recycling banks, and 38 have textile banks. The council said that all 70 sites will now be examined to determine if they are suitable.


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