€800,000 to resurface the Main Road in Ballyfermot

€800,000 to resurface the Main Road in Ballyfermot


By Maurice Garvey

RESURFACING the main road from Cherry Orchard Hospital to the Assumption Church in Ballyfermot, is estimated to cost in the region of at least €800,000, according to a city council road maintenance engineer.

Independent Councillor Vincent Jackson says the road is in “an appalling state” but concedes the earliest Dublin City Council may get around to it is 2019.

Ballyfermot Rd at Grange X 1 1final

The resurfacing on Main Road in Ballyfermot will cost in the region of €800,000

“It’s been many years since it was looked at and it needs to be seen as a priority next year in the estimates of the roads section,” said Cllr Jackson.

“There are potholes from St Matthews up to the hospital, some are three and four inches deep and getting wider. People are wondering what they are paying property tax and car tax for.”

Cllr Daithí de Róiste agreed the condition of the road is in a “very bad state” and “needs to be looked at before next year.”

DCC Area Manager Vincent Norton said there is an undertaking to take certain works to deal with the pot hole issue.

Last May, business owners and residents attended a public meeting in Ballyfermot Library on a proposed upgrading of Ballyfermot Road.

Management of traffic

Proposals included the management of traffic, new road layout, redesigned parking, greater levels of pedestrian use, with improved cycleways under consideration.

At an area meeting in February, Cllr Jackson requested a full costing for the resurfacing of Ballyfermot Road, from Cherry Orchard Hospital to the Church of the Assumption.

In response, a DCC road maintenance engineer estimated the distance of “laying a surface course only” to be approximately €800,000 plus.

“This is using an extremely competitive contractor’s rate.”

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