Spanish bio-pharma firm exceeds €3,000m with 18.8 per cent growth
By Maurice Garvey
GRIFOLS bioscience division revenues have exceeded €3,000 million for the first time, with 18.8 per cent growth in the fourth quarter.
In October, the Spanish bio-pharma firm announced 140 jobs and the opening of a new €100 million bioscience division facility in Grange Castle Business Park, Dublin 22.
The 22,000sq.m. bioscience global operations centre will facilitate the distribution of plasma-derived products to over 67 countries when fully operational.
Grifols revenue grew by 17.3 per cent to €3,935 million, and net profit grew by 13.2 per cent to €532 million.
Recurrring sales, excluding raw material and others, increased by 16.4 per cent, whilst net investment in R & D reached €236 million.
Bioscience revenues exceeded €3,000 million in 2015 – in 2014 bioscience revenue generates sales of €2,513 million.
The Grange Castle facility acts as a central warehouse for all plasma coming from the USA and has the capacity to store up to 1,150 pallets of plasma at 30 degrees centigrade.
It centralises decision-making with regard to commercial policy, and houses the company’s regulatory and quality activities, R & D global management office and other administrative and commercial activities.
Grange Castle is part of Grifols’s growth strategy focused on internationalisation and globalisation of its activities.
The firm relocated decision-making with regard to bioscience and its treasury function to Ireland in 2014.
Grifols run a network of plasma donor centres in the USA, which are then moved to other facilities in the USA and Spain, before being transformed into 26 different types of plasma-derived products.