This FREE Samhain Haunted Forest Walk in Marlay Park sounds brilliant

This FREE Samhain Haunted Forest Walk in Marlay Park sounds brilliant

The annual Samhain Haunted Forest Walk takes place on Sunday 29 of October in Marlay Park, and it promises to be a spooky spectacular for the whole family.

The event will feature ghouls and goblins such as The Gate Keeper, The Witches of the Woods, The Phantom Tailors and The Banshee.

Samhain Fest Marlay Park 27092017

For one petrifying night only, the woods will be alive with ghouls, goblins, and menacing manifestations.

The Haunted Woods will open from 3:30pm-8:30pm, and only those with wristbands will be allowed enter the free event.

Wristbands can be collected at the County Markets in Marlay Park on Saturday October 21st and Saturday October 28th from 8am each day.

Wristbands will be available while stocks last, on a strictly first come first served basis, and are limited to six per family.

Half of the available supply will be distributed each Saturday.

Entry times to queue for the Haunted Walk are printed on your wristband and will be 3.30pm, 4.30pm, 5.30pm 6.30pm and 7.30pm.

For more information on the event click HERE.

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