Vodafone gets go-ahead for placement of six antennae on Tallaght Hospital
By Laura Lyne
VODAFONE Ireland has received planning permission to put six antennae on Tallaght Hospital, after submitting an appeal to An Bord Pleanála (ABP).
The original application was refused permission by South Dublin County Council due to the development being “contrary to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area”.
In its reasons for granting permission, An Bord Pleanála said that in regard to the national communications strategy, the guidelines for antennae and policies of the development plan, that the development “would not seriously injure the amenities of the area or of property in the vicinity and would not be prejudical to public health”.
Tallaght Hospital supports the proposed development of the antennae as the lack of a “dedicated site” to cover the hospital is a “major concern for clinical staff due to the nature of missed calls as they would relate to an urgent clinical emergency”.
A previous application for the development of antennae at Tallaght Hospital was refused permission last year, and the council also cited the separation distance of the antennae and hospital as the reason to refuse permission.
The decision to grant permission from ABP was given on March 2.