Accommodation compared to a prison with strict curfews and ‘inedible’ dinners

Accommodation compared to a prison with strict curfews and ‘inedible’ dinners

A RESIDENT in Finnstown Castle House Hotel in Lucan has no idea who is in charge of the facility – comparing conditions to a prison with strict curfews and “inedible” dinners served at 5pm each day.

The Mansfield family-owned hotel ceased operating to the public in early December 2022, which led to the cancellation of weddings and functions over Christmas, the New Year and early months of 2023.

In February, couples and single males living there in emergency accommodation were transferred to other locations, with rooms to be allocated to single female clients on the housing list with South Dublin County Council.

The Echo understands a small section of the hotel was used as accommodation for people on the homeless housing list for the council for a number of years.

However, since the hotel changed hands, it remains closed to the public, and is used as an accommodation centre.

The Echo tried to contact the hotel, but their website is “under construction” since December and the only way to contact them, via email, is unsuccessful.

The resident, who did not wish to be named, arrived in Ireland four years ago and has lived in Finnstown Hotel for three years on the council homeless list, but she does not know who is in charge of the facility.

A family member, speaking on her behalf, said conditions were better before the change of management.

“Since then, they moved two people into a room. Before that she had her own room but at least the other person is also working,” said the family member.

“She had appliances in her room, but they were told to take all that out, so no microwave, kettle or anything like that is allowed. The dinner served at 5pm is inedible, like it is reheated. If you arrive home later from work, you miss food.

“It feels like a prison except prisoners are treated better. There are no washing facilities for clothes. People are asking who is in charge?

“She had a case worker with the council, but that has stopped, communication is poor. It is abusive, she is depressed but didn’t do anything wrong.”

The Echo contacted SDCC for comment but did not receive a reply before going to print.

The Dept of Children told The Echo: “Neither International Protection Procurement Services (IPPS) or Ukraine Crisis Temporary Accommodation Team (UCTAT) have any record of involvement with the accommodation provider you have listed.”

The Mansfield Group purchased Finnstown Castle Hotel in 2007.

According to company records, Samuel Mansfield is Director of Finnstown Castle Hotel and his sister Ingrid Mansfield is Company Secretary.

In 2022, their father Jim Mansfield Jr was sentenced to two years in prison with the final six months suspended, for attempting to pervert the course of justice by directing that CCTV footage be destroyed.

He was released from prison in early March after serving 13 months.

Jim Mansfield Jr resigned as Director of Finnstown Castle Hotel in 2021.

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