Communities to benefit from €750k Sláintecare funding
TALLAGHT, Clondalkin and Cherry Orchard communities will benefit from €750,000 through a new round of Sláintecare Healthy Communities funding.
Across Ireland 19 communities, including Tallaght, Clondalkin and Cherry Orchard, will have the option to draw down €250k in funding each through this enhancement scheme.
The goal of this initiative is to support local authorities, such as South Dublin County Council, to deliver projects that will positively impact on the health and wellbeing of residents in the areas.
Helping deliver wellbeing services, the programme is also funding new posts including staff working at community level within local authorities and the HSE to help engage, support and coordinate services.
This programme includes the provision of targeted supports by the HSE in areas including smoking cessation, parenting, nutrition and social prescribing.
The Healthy Communities programme is supporting not only the physical and mental health of the people living in the Sláintecare Healthy Communities but will also support improvement in the wider determinants of health such as in education, social support and the built environment.
This scheme has demonstrated a collaborative approach with local authorities working together with the local community and stakeholders to identify projects that support the increased use of, and access to, amenities in their areas and that invoke an improved sense of community.
Through this, some great projects will be greenlit nationwide after a highlight engaging application process.
Local Authorities have employed Local Development Officers and have been provided funding to improve public realm and fund locally identified projects to improve health and wellbeing.
The Department of Health are working across Government with the Slaintecare Oversight Group to coordinate interventions and policy responses.
To support the work of the Local Development Officer, each local authority was given a budget of €75,000 in 2022 and for 2023 for each community to fund projects identified within the community that will support health and wellbeing.