Crowd pleasers from Rhythm of Recovery
The Irish Heart Foundation’s Rhythm of Recovery Choir, made of stroke survivors, carers and volunteers, will kick off Tallaght Culture Night on Friday, September 20.
The choir members said they are “delighted” to perform at the event and invited locals to stop by to listen or sing along.
“Big crowd pleasers” will be sung for approximately 30 minutes outside Tallaght Library – or inside, depending on the weather – starting at 1.15pm.
“The Choir is a great way for people to come together who share the same experience,” said Ciara Mooney from the Irish Heart Foundation.
The charity has been supporting people dealing with the outcomes of strokes and heart diseases since 1966, and advocates to raise awareness on prevention.
Besides a choir, the Irish Heart Foundation also has its own arts group, Stroke of HeART, which will exhibit one of their artworks in Tallaght Library during Culture Night.
Culture Night is a national initiative promoted by the Arts Council, celebrating culture, creativity and the arts with events delivered in cities, towns, and rural locations across the country.
Culture Night 2024 events in South and West Dublin will be hosted by SDCC libraries, Rua Red and other local landmarks.
For more information, visit culturenight.
To know more about the work of the Irish Heart Foundation, visit irishheart.