Echo Year in Review: September 2023
Recovery Month started in Tallaght

Echo Year in Review: September 2023

SEPTEMBER is becoming well-known as Recovery Month, celebrating the paths to recovery that people have taken to combat substance addiction.

The beginning of the month was marked by Mayor Alan Edge with a well-attended launch at Tallaght Rehabilitation Project’s premises in Jobstown.

Wheelchair user Glenn Quinn shared his struggle to find housing while living in an unsuitable property in Citywest, in which he has to crawl up the stairs to reach his bedroom and bathroom.

The 61-year-old was able-bodied for most of his life before having to use a wheelchair in recent years due to a degenerating medical condition.

Wheelchair user Glenn Quinn shared his struggle to find housing while living in an unsuitable property in Citywest

Glenn shared his story as part of the Irish Wheelchair Association’s Home Truths Campaign. 

Clondalkin’s Laurels Cycle Crew embarked on their annual charity cycle from Dublin to Galway, which saw up to 100 cyclists braving inclement weather.

Clondalkin’s Laurels Cycle Crew embarked on their annual charity cycle from Dublin to Galway

While unlucky cyclist and TD Mark Ward had to be hospitalised after falling off his bike, it was otherwise another successful event with the group raising thousands for brain injury charity Headway.

Works commenced on the development of a new arena for the Fettercairn Youth Horse Project.

Fettercairn Horse Project

The existing arena, which was around 10 years old, was removed and replaced with a new upgraded arena with an investment of €100,000.

Daredevil 80-year-old grandfather John O’Rourke announced his plans to abseil off the roof of Croke Park

Daredevil 80-year-old grandfather John O’Rourke announced his plans to abseil off the roof of Croke Park to raise funds for cancer charity Look Good Feel Better.

The Ballyfermot man was inspired to take on the challenge for the charity as they supported his daughter, Deirdre, when she had the disease.

To read the full Year in Review for September 2023 pick-up The Echo on Thursday, January 4, or subscribe online.

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